700,000 Asians for Hillary and no Obama

My question is that it has been publicized that Hillary got the endorsement of the 700,00 strong Asians in the USA for signing the paper fighting for the rights of Asian Americans?

Yet, as an mixed racial Asian living in America, I am not aware of such issues signed by Hillary. And most importantly I am known to be a Hillary Clinton supporter without such politicking.

So my dear fellow Asian, we cannot say we would remain neutral if only Obama would only sign like Hillary.

I believe such thing is hypocrisy. The question here is who do we really believe in and support.

Our culture comes from family and belief of the positive. If we think a candidate is the best to run the country, we don’t need some re-assurance. So, in which case I don’t blame Obama either for not signing.

Yet it does not mean, that I will be deviating from my belief in Hillary Clinton, win or lose.

This is what we should focus. i simply believe that limited income and disabled like me struggling have more hope through a lady president.

After all, it is values not politics.

How about you?

Alex Esguerra
ADLE International

Which Presidentiable really cares for the Disabled?

One of the biggest issues in America’s presidentiable race today is “HEALTH CARE”.

Yet, after all the blah, blah, blah about Universal Health Care, I guess my question is how far does these presidentail nominees really understand the lives of living with a disability.

On the little public knowledge, I don’t really know if neither one has a on-going disability as otherwise they might not be running at all. We know people like Elizabeth Edwards who is suffering from breast cancer.

However, part of the politics on the Edwards campaign was focusing on what issues everyone is talking and arguing about. Perhaps, to get more limelight or spotlight or even media coverage.

But just to reiterate that it was only then First Lady, Hillary Clinton who have some history for Universal Heatlh Care in America.

However, changing the subject on a deeper plain, how does these candidate really understand disability and health care.

It might be too specific but can be a way to find out who has really the deeper understanding, experience or even compassion for being disabled in America today.

Perhaps, all I can do for now is just see their next steps?

Alex Esguerrahttp://www.alexesguerra.com

The State of the American Economy on Recession

Stock Market Chaos from Asian to the US in the last 90’s now it’s the opposite. So, from the USA to the Asian market collapses what is expected?


What is you opinion on what kind of recession correction in all about the state of the american economy?

No more Greenzapping there is, thank God I did not fall on such scheme!

It always takes a Heath Ledger to be understood on Loss and Depression

From Marilyn Monroe, River Phoenix to Anna Nicole Smith and now actor Heath Ledger’s death has to serve as model on how someone’s loss and depression to be talked about and given some attention.

It doesn’t take a pathologist or histologist to go over toxicology reports’ to rule out that such death’s are not intentional. Neither does one’s feeling of loss and depression can only be felt by the same very people who are experiencing it too.

When we tell the signs of our loss and depression through our actions but people are simply too uncaring or simply be ignored.

When you see the character of Heath, people would think he is strong, prominent and confident. Only then if you are real close and personal to the person will one understand his passion, his love, his challenges, yet his emptinesss, fear, loss and anger. After all, depression is all about our inner anger about the trauma that one has been through.

I hope that this tragic loss will once again reinforced about being misunderstood on one’s asymptomatic disability.

May Heath Ledger rest in peace and may he find the peace and solice that due him all this time.

Martin Lurther King – Thanks for the Freedom

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Rev. Cecil Williams of Glide UMC in San Francisco announced the march that today starts from San Jose’s Freont Train and Bart goes to Port Townsend and ends at the Civic Center for celebrations.

A lot of us were babies or even not yet born when 1968 came for Dr. King’s assasination.

But, sometimes I just reflect on the different discriminations that I still encounter in daily life either disability, income, being Asian/Latino American, gender, etc.., If I am still going through such an ordeal can you just imagine if MLK did not fight for diversity. What kind of world would it had been today.

Luckily, among my circle of friends, I have a United Nations of individuals. Thank God for Dr. King and for democracy.


« Washington Mutual Bank – Empress of Overdraft Fees Spring Cleaning for Customer Retention

warrior-soul.jpg« Washington Mutual Bank – tackles the credit crisis by way of hearing, empathizing and keeping customers and their money.

Currrently, we have been getting a lot of traffic from WAMU customers frustrations and as a voice hope to be help for WAMU to do some SpringCleaning from within in order not to lose the confidence, customers and depositors.

I am also inviting the bank to open up their communication line by posting replies to the issues being raise by current frustrated WAMU customers.

Hope we can be the communication i Continue reading « Washington Mutual Bank – Empress of Overdraft Fees Spring Cleaning for Customer Retention

Asymptomatic Disability and Hillary Clinton

As many know, I am a die hard supporter of http://www.hillaryclinton.com/ to become president.

Through here, I would like to educate people of what “Asymptomatic Illness and Disability” means.

Many people sometimes look at people from their outside appearance.
A lot of us who look to be in good health from the outside are sometimes suffering from very serious chronic and terminal illness.
Such illnesses can be Cancer, HIV, AIDS, Leukemia just to name a few. The hardest part of the illness sometimes affects the emotional and mental repercussions that prescriptions drugs do and some are effects of the disease itself. Such emotional state might be anxiety, depression, bi-polar or even Britney Spears syndrome.
So I suggest before we prejudged someone by their physical look when they say the are asymptomatically disabled, I suggest we think twice.
The Universal Health Care system in America is broken. The only person that is highly intellectual enough to understand this is my ally, Hillary Clinton.
And yes, this is why you don’t see me physically rally with Hillary because of having to suffer asymptomatic disability.

The New Trend is "Book’s Rental" Business

There is a new business in town from the University Press Core Paparazzi.

While browsing online, I saw how the new trend is just to rent books. I think it’s a great idea especially if you are a broke university student nowadays.

This is not a paid advertising but for me to endorse it side by side with my own blogs,

only means I am sold on the idea.
Good luck, university paparazzi’s.

Civil Rights of People with Disabilities

Civil Rights of People with Disabilities

In the last few weeks, I had been ill and I apologize for my readers fot not being able to post online.

I am thankful to some friends for taking care of me and for even posting this. I am aware of the importance of staying in touch but as some of you have known not when I am extremely sick will I not have the determination to touch base.

I wrote this post on paper and someone had to help me post it online. I am touched with the reminder of Martin Luther King when I was brought to church yesterday. It was also a eventful Sunday having Chelsea Clinton as our visitor in Glide United Methodist Church.

Glide has been a personal refuge to me even when I first move to San Francisco for daily meals.

Not all people online have all the material wealth that life has to offer. But then again, on the internet, I on the thinking that everyone is the same rich, poor and even disabled.

Sometimes, it tiring when one receives so much harrassment over money and credit issues especially on the state of the economy today.

But there are resources that a disbled person can tap as we do have civil rights.

I have found this out recently and one would be amaze how people violate the civil rights of people with disabilities.

I can’t really do much writing being currently frail. But, I thought I touched base to my readers.

Don’t let people exploit the circumstances of illness and disability.