The Damage has been done but now it makes sense

Over the past few months and almost a year of all this negativities that sorround, at least perhaps through this blog the world would know that ADLE International has nothing to do with the Adult Entertainment Industry. I registered the ADLE International on Jan. 21, 1999 even before a certain ADLE evolve in the adult entertainment industry.

Alex Esguerra
Founder: ADLE International

ADLE International - no adult entertainment relation
ADLE International - no adult entertainment relation

The Future of the internet towards human nature


The future has began with the digital technology age today.  From video-cams, landlines, instant messaging and reading, the internet has transformed a new way of life.

With online virtual communities and social networking, one does not need to travel thousands of miles to meet and learn about society and culture.

Expressing emotions and ideas are ways to create  a real sense of healing especially when humans go through difficult times in their lives.  Understanding human ordeals is hard especially if we have never experienced the same hardships and situations.

It is no longer assumptions towards realities and analyzing trends but listening to people.  On the other end, the listener has to have the compassion and sentiment to elicit a more positibe attitude.

This is not just about the business aspects of creating niche but also sharing personal experiences over life.  The key is simply accepting what is present and then move on towards a new beginning. This is the real message depicted on the ideology behind why we have constantly promoted the online virtual community.

Looking for a job can be very stressful

Persistence, patience and vigilance comes together in getting towards the path we want to our lives.

Part of the social aspects of our mission at http://www.affordable-booksonline is also to advocate for limited income earners.

Through the power of information dessimination, we are able to show our sincerity towards the people who needs support.

The Economics of being an emerging online business model

It started back in 1999’s stock market collapse, the rise of the empire’s and yet we were nobodies.

Came 2001 right after 9/11 then 2004 when two major online business empires almost ruled the world online to include advertising.

Enter 2006, good riddance to more pro-small business models like Google,  Yahoo, Windows,,  My-space and Facebook including our book notables like Abebooks,,, Choosebooks, Valorebooks, A1 books, Tom  and the ABA (American Booksellers Association) when venture capitalists in Silicon Valley where the king of the jungles influenced by the big shot major online players.

Yet, 2007 came start of the great recession after 1931 and a gradual change in the socio-political climate of the world in terms of technology and business.  Fall of 2008 made history having the 1st online high tech 44th President of the United States, a darling of the poor, a new robin hood in technological times and realization that even micro enterprise start-ups have the potential to someday experience the lives the king’s and emperors of silicon valley.

Today, 2009 brings a new generation of emerging online business models ala the period where emerging start-ups which was snob by venture capitalists before came to rule the world.

As we had continously emphasize our mission of affordability to the limited income earners, our social networks, and the people who have the kind generous hearts of supporting us at all we can say is a big hug of thank you’s.  Be it in terms of search engine rankings with Google’s book partner programs, yahoo’s small business team or Amazon’s virtual generosities, to you all we say thank you so much for being there during this phase as we shall forever remember all this good gestures.

As and emerges truly as a new social network for affordability in terms of fighting for low income earners,  be it in terms of advertising or seed capital now is the time to invest when the door opens as it will closed being a privately held company.

Affordable Books with Affordable Shirts

The popularity of Affordable Books had gone wild lately expanding to Affordable Shirts. In today’s economic disgust affordability seems to be the name of the game.

Is this economic reality really happening in America?

Sometimes,  people are still asking me if the sign of the times are real or are they just experiencing a sudden dream or

nightmare.   Unfortunately, all I can say is yes this is what is the reality is going on.     Even in major cities, businesses

are closing their doors from left to right.      Either it be a gasoline station, car washing, boutique, even food chains and

discount store chains that a month ago was still bustling with people and customers.   Suddenly, they seemed to be  closed,

abandoned, and some at least have signs saying they are closed for business.    This is why people seem to be on a deep

paranoia if this was real.    At least, there are good signs though when the businesses with loyal customers based and those

online brick and stores brands and independents are able to hang on. This means persistence, stability and survival of

the fittest.      Only days after the new hardworking 44th President of the United States which is the first high tech pres. has

been working almost night and day.     As he said it will get worst then better which is the best way to face the reality of

 what has happen with the US Economy and now that the UK has finally admitted to be on the bandwagon of recession.    This 

is the time that we have to be solid and compassionate towards each other.  And when hope for the best of the outcome as

a nation yes we can.

Bookselling now another victim of the Recession

Some stories of friends have great similarity to ours and we all agreed that we are not recession proof. 

In the few years, the internet giants of the books industries have made very good mechanisms of maintaining, selecting

and dropping small brick and mortar home based retailers.   Without the big guys even having their own masssive inventory stocks,

the small guys are the ones buying and resselling, the develop quality and shipping standards, make money through services,

commissions and fees and most of all the consumer’s payment which they use as cash flow as they have  scheduled payment

after a week, two weeks or even a month after finally paying the small guys.    In the meantime the small guy only has two days

from receipt of order to deliver to the customer in good quality and fastest way.

So it is still the samll guys who get ding, scolded or even expelled if these rules are not followed of if the customer complaints.

So in turn the consumer does not want to buy a book online sometimes as they are not sure if the book ever get on time.

Change was the election fever, online technology is the bail-out

<a href=”” rel=”me”>Technorati Profile</a>

A few weeks before the inauguration of the 44th President Barack Obama of the United States change has been the epitome

yet online technology and the way economics run might finally be the real way out of the financial crisis so deep globally

nowadays.     With the Feds infusing money into the system the traditional way, people are stagerring to sell their checrished

possessions online just to survive.  Maybe, what is needed is more involvement of the home based brick and mortar powered

small businesses who knows how to survive a dollar or a penny a day without cash flow.

After all this time, they finally ADMIT RECESSION?

Boy o boy, don’t you love capitalism at it’s best. Now suddenly CEO’s willing to take $1.00 as annual salary without flying on private jets while the collectors jump on sucking to buy more names for them to call and threaten.

I’m sorry what this new incoming administration needs are veteran small business entrepreneurs who knows how to juggle with a negative balance sheet and turn it around. Where do you find them? Why not try the minority small business main streets who knows what it is to live once a day, sometimes line up for free food and work two jobs while having a 100 degree fever. Then perhaps something will happen and this deepest of the deepest depression maybe fix slowly but surely.

Hello, this is the sign of the times.  This is no longer graduates of the prestigious schools and white collar executives with corrupt politics but this is now the time for people with disabilities, under privileged class who have good breeding, culture and education and ethics to be fair yet survive.

But as they say it is about the inner circle again on the campaign headquarters who were there even if they were on the other side. Who cares about party affiliation, it is about scratching backs again but then were set to the dumps again.

Wake up America. Dump the ego…….Go back to the very basic ideals of the american dream and finally express the so called “change” by naming the unheard names in the circles who really have the qualifications to do the job, to be a survivor and the only way is to find the people had suffer from the very same system it had created.

Then and only then will healing and real people start to have the real solutions.  It is very tempting yes but remember it only takes a 100 days to make the first impressions and then a new president can be doomed and or be great.

Pardon me, did they say finally recession is here or depression

Pardon me, did they say finally recession is here or depression.  Oh, excuse me it was just to make a money correction on the economy, one year ago in 2007.   Wasn’t this the motto last year saying everything is sound.  An economy is not a political or show business blitz as it affects people lives.  Then a year later where are the same prophets saying everything is cool.

Wake up, wake up wizards, perhaps you might not been taught about Economy 101 in your pretigious business schools then I suggest that why don’t you ask your local struggling small business owner we are always the victims anyways.

Now suddenly, you do wan’t to consider reading the book we have been saying since last year, “How do u integrate success in a small business” with ISBN no. 978-14348-07595.   Even Joe the Plumber will perhaps read it but you were supposed to be the mavericks and the experts right?

How do u integrate success in a small business
How do u integrate success in a small business