California’s Day in Equality Liberation History – May 15, 2008

The California Supreme Court recently received an outstanding ovation from the GLBT community citing their “EQUALITY” efforts as a court of the people.

For some, it was a very emotional day celebrating the end of unequality on a democratic yet liberal state in America’s land of the people anthology.

A battle of argumentative deliberations still faces the allowing of same sex marriage in such a conservative state.  Yet, let us not forget to respect as well the beliefs of other people as how holy the embodiment of marriage is between a man and a woman.

However, to my minute understanding, this is besides the point. It is about the socio-cultural evolution of what makes a person’s existence to co-exist which is why we have been created in God’s liking and love.

Long live the dream, hopefully not a political tool but yet what this battle is all about.

May God Bless America, land of the people, a nation where dreams comes to realities.